Terms and Conditions
Making a Booking & Payment
The person making the booking must be 18 years of age or over to book the accommodation and stay at Pheasant’s Retreat.
The maximum number of guests is two adults.
Full payment or a deposit of 1 nights stay is payable at the time of booking.
If a deposit is paid the balance of your booking is due 21 days prior to your arrival date. We will notify you by email when this becomes due.
Bookings made within 21 days of the arrival date are payable in full at the time of booking.
If full payment has not been received within 21 days of your arrival date, Pheasant’s Retreat reserves the right to charge your card used at the time of booking. If this is unsuccessful, Pheasant’s Retreat reserves the right to cancel your booking and your deposit will not be refunded.
It is strongly recommended that you are protected by travel insurance prior to making your booking.
Arrival and Departures
Your accommodation will be ready for you by 3pm on the day of arrival, and must be vacated by 10:30am on day of departure, unless otherwise agreed. Any arrivals after 20:00 must be notified in advance.
Parking is available at the Cottage for up to two cars.
All vehicles are left at the owner’s/customer’s own risk, Pheasant’s Retreat does not accept responsibility for loss or damage.
Cancellation Policy
All deposits made are non-refundable with the exception of the details below. If a cancellation is made within 21 days of the arrival date the full balance of the booking will be payable.
We strongly urge customers to take out travel insurance as it is only a fraction of the potential loss.
NOTICE REFUND Under 21 days 0% 21 days to 1 month 50% 1 month to 2 months 75% 3 months + 100%
Covid travel restrictions
The only exception to these terms is if the government have travel restrictions on either you or us and in this case a full refund or dates transfer will apply whichever you choose.
Amendment of bookings
In the unlikely event Pheasant’s Retreat have to cancel/amend your booking you will be offered a full refund.
Personal Property
Pheasant’s Retreat will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any property on the Pheasant’s Retreat premises. Vehicles, accessories and contents are left at the owner’s risk. It is recommended that your travel insurance covers loss or damage to personal effects.
No pets are allowed.
Accommodation Care
You agree to keep your accommodation clean and tidy and leave it in such condition at the point of departure. Any damages must be reported to Pheasant’s Retreat prior to your departure. Accommodation left in an excessively dirty or inappropriate state may be subject to an additional cleaning surcharge, at a minimum of £50. We kindly ask that on the day of departure any used kitchen items are placed into the dishwasher and the programme is started.
Pheasant’s Retreat maintains a comprehensive inventory of all of the contents of the cottage, both practical and decorative. Guests will be required to pay for any damage to such items and will be charged for any item that is removed or lost. We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of rectifying damage, caused by the accidental, deliberate, negligent or reckless act of the guest to the property or structure, and the right to charge the card used at the time of booking. Should this damage become evident after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit / debit card, or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address. We will however make every effort to rectify any damage internally prior to contacting specialists to make the repairs, and therefore will make every effort to keep any costs that the guest would incur to a minimum.
No Smoking
Smoking is not permitted inside the accommodation or outside under the canopy. Smoking is permitted outside of the building on the paved areas whilst at Pheasant’s Retreat site but please use the cigarette bins provided to dispose of cigarette butts. Care must be taken when smoking and disposing of cigarette butts especially in the warmer months as foliage can be flammable.
If it is evident that guests have been smoking within the accommodation, Pheasant’s Retreat reserves the right to charge for any fumigation required.
Any further damage to any property caused by smoking will be classed as criminal damage and will be dealt with accordingly.
Due to the high risk of fire, the use of candles is not permitted in your accommodation or anywhere on the Pheasant’s Retreat site.
Camp Fires
Guests are not permitted to make camp fires anywhere on Pheasant’s Retreat site.
Should there be a failure in a utility or service (such as water, heating, electricity, WiFi, sewerage) please notify Pheasant’s Retreat immediately and we will aim to restore the service/utility as quickly as possible.
Should any failure of service/utility provided by Pheasant’s Retreat extend beyond a 12 hour period from notification, compensation will be proportionate to the loss of enjoyment suffered, unless the reason for the failure in a utility or service is beyond Pheasant’s Retreat’s control.
Due to the rural location of the cottage, the wifi is not high speed nor unlimited, therefore is not suitable for downloading large content or streaming. Netflix is provided however this may be interrupted at times due to weather conditions.
Tampering with Fire Suppression and Detection Systems and Fire Fighting Equipment
We reserve the right to take action against any person found to have tampered/interfered with any fire detection, suppression or safety equipment. Guests found to have tampered with any fire detection or fire fighting equipment will be charged with any costs incurred by Pheasant’s Retreat due to their actions and additionally may be asked to leave. Depending on the severity of the guest actions, the Police may become involved at the discretion of Pheasant’s Retreat. Should tampering with the fire detection equipment become evident after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guests credit / debit card, or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address.
Inappropriate Behaviour
Should the management deem any actions by a guest inappropriate, or if any inappropriate behaviour is brought to our attention, Pheasant’s Retreat reserves the right, after any allegations have been investigated, to take action against the guest.
Items Left Behind
If the item left behind can be posted we will arrange its return to you, subject to you covering the postage and packing costs. If an item left behind cannot be posted then we will keep the item for 28 days to enable you to arrange collection. If the item is not claimed within 28 days of the guest’s departure it will be disposed of.
Pheasant’s Retreat has a maximum occupancy of 2 adults. If the party on the day of arrival, or during its stay exceeds this, the additional guests will be asked to leave immediately.
Return of Keys
There is a £50 charge should a guest lose or damage a key, unless its returned undamaged within 48 hours.
Guests liability for their account is not waived and guests agree to be held personally liable in the event that any indicated person, group, company or association fails to pay all or part of any charges incurred.
Hot Tub Use
All users MUST shower before use.
Chemical levels will be checked daily during your stay.
Glass must NOT be taken near the hot tub, if glass is found to have been broken in/near the hot tub a £200 charge to drain and collect fragments will be charged. Plastic glasses are provided in the kitchen for use in the hot tub.
We kindly ask that you respect our intention to maintain high levels of hygiene and health and safety at all times and that should the hot tub be found to be contaminated or excessively soiled in any way we reserve the right to apply a minimum charge of £50 to cover additional cleaning and decontamination processes.
Disabilities and medical conditions
If either guest has any medical condition or disability that may affect your booking, please tell us before you confirm your booking. If we feel unable to properly meet that person’s particular needs, we can refuse or cancel the reservation. It is your responsibility to seek & follow professional medical advice before using the hot tub.
Removal of Property
We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of replacing any items that are removed from the premises by them without consent. The charge will be the full replacement amount of the missing item, including any carriage charges. Should the fact that the item is missing become evident after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit/debit card, or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address.
Adverse Travel Conditions & Inclement Weather
Pheasant’s Retreat holds no responsibility for guests unable to attend their retreat due to extreme weather or traffic conditions (i.e. snow, flooding, wind, road congestion etc.). If a guest is unable to reach Pheasant’s Retreat due to poor weather conditions or travel issues, they will lose their full payment and an alternative break will not be offered. Please ensure you have full travel insurance to cover such an instance.
Restrictions on Rental
Pheasant’s Retreat reserve the right to remove any person or persons from the accommodation due to unreasonable behaviour, or any behaviour that adversely impairs the enjoyment of neighbours (including excessive noise), damage to the property or exceeding the stated occupancy. In such circumstances, guests will be required to vacate the cottage immediately and no refund will be payable to the guest/s for the unexpired part of their stay.
It is a condition of booking that the cottage may only be occupied by the person named in the booking and/or their companion. Pheasant’s Retreat may not be sub-let to a third party. If this is found to be the case, the third party will have no legal right of occupancy and will be required to vacate the cottage immediately.
Review of Terms & Conditions
Pheasant’s Retreat reserves the right to change or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time.